“The Ancient Future”.

2 min readFeb 4, 2021

(In an attempt to “stop imagining the apocalypse” and start imagining a better future, young climate change activists started a campaign to Write the Future exercising their capacity to Hope in the middle of a pandemic.This was my entry.)

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.” ― Chris Maser

“We, but mirror the world.”- Gandhi

So also, the world mirrors us.

This is the description of the Future. “The Ancient Future”.

A Being of the Future.

A Being so complete that she is at peace with her selves — no that is not a grammatical error she does have many selves within. Within her lie many entities — the caregiver, the warrior, the poet, dancer, the rebel, the shrewd one. She is at complete peace with them all. She is also at peace with the He within.

So blissful that her closest relationships — those with her body and mind are her utmost priority. They are nourished, strengthened every moment. No, s/he would not consume anything for distracting herself from her conscious present body-mind experience — not even a grain of food or a drop of water more than it needs — forget other forms of gratification. Receiving and giving with such grace, always.

S/he knows. Knows that this body is nothing but the food and water that he puts into his mouth. “ANNAmaya Kosha”. It is mainly Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen from the Earth re-arranging through the body’s intelligence. S(he) knows and celebrates that. To even think of contaminating food and water sources — its suicide! Of course, he wouldn’t know what suicide even means. All the power is still strongly within. He knows that his mind is constantly absorbing from the environment — even when he is asleep. To dare pollute it with some other agenda! There is no “Other”.

S/he CREATES life. A life filled preciously with ever-lasting acceptance and love for all around her. A delightful life… where the pattern on leaves of the food they grew and the way the morning dew looks on their garden is a splendid reminder of the vastness of the Universe. And their place in it as nurturing travelers.

She Loves. A love so authentic that what is given is only out of the purest intention, so true that it emanates even for those who may never meet her as Her on the Planet — the unborn beings. Because, S/he lives her life revelling in “that which is Real”.


“Ancient Futures — Learning from Ladakh” is the inspiring title of a 1991 book by Helena Norberg-Hodge

“That which is Real” is the English translation of the Yogic Mantra ‘Om Tat Sat’

Annamaya Kosha is one of the 5 layers (Panch Koshas) of the Human Body as understood in Yoga and Ayurveda




She/Her. I like to write about food when I am not farming, cooking or eating!